Creating a Twitter API Source

On the Conversionomics homepage, you will see a screen with all of your projects; select the project name you will be working on. If you need to create a new project, select the orange button that says "New Project" and follow the instructions 

Once you select the project you want to work on, you will see a similar screen as shown below. Select the orange button that says " + New Source"

After selecting the orange button that says " + New Source"

Input the "Source Name" and select "Twitter Ads" for the type, then click "CONTINUE" once complete.

You will be redirected to the source's configuration screen.

Here you select a connection to the twitter API, and an account that is associated with it.

Then an entity must be selected, this will determine what level you want to retrieve data from. (ie. Account, Campaign)

Once the entity is selected, the Metric Groups will be populated. Selecting a metric group will display all the metrics associated with that group. These metrics are what will be pulled into Conversionomics.

In the next section, these options are presented.

Countries: Limits data received based on the country it originated from.

Platform: The mobile device or computer where the data was from.

Segmentation: More options to further limit the data pulled into the source.

Granularity: Sets the source to show a row of data for every hour, day, or the total data in the date range.

Placement: Choose whether the data comes from Twitter, or a Publisher's Network.

Look Back Days: Allows data within the range to be reloaded every time the source is run.

Once the required settings are filled, the configuration can be saved and the source will be ready to run.

Additional Information can be found within the official Twitter API Documentation

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