Creating a Spotify Source

To upload a Spotify document into a Conversionomics Source:

On the home Conversionomics page, you will see a screen with all of your projects; select the project you will be working on. If you need to create a new project, select the orange button that says "New Project" and follow the instructions 

Once you select the project you want to work on, you will see a similar screen as shown below. Select the orange button that says " + New Source"

After selecting the orange button that says " + New Source" you should see this screen 

In the "Source Name" input the name of yourfile and select "Spotify Adstudio" and hit "CONTINUE" once complete

You should see this screen once you select "CONTINUE".

In the configuration screen, select a connection and an account. Then enter the dimensions and fields you want to retrieve from the account.

Next you will set up the filters. The filters for Spotify sources is more robust than other sources, thus allowing for increased granularity.

The final setting in the config is the Lookback Days, which allows data from within a set period to be reloaded.

Once you save the source you can then load data directly from the Spotify API, or from a CSV if needed.

Additional Information can be found within the official Spotify Documentation

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