Creating a SFTP Source

Set up a connection for the Source

The connection for an SFTP source is much different from the other source types.

Connection name: Your desired name for the connection.

Authentication Type: How you want the connection to be authorized. There are two options, an SSH Private Key and a user generated Password.

Host: The name of the SFTP server.

Port: The port that will be used for the connection is 22.

Username/Password: The username and password associated with the SFTP server.

To create a SFTP Source:

On the sources page of Conversionmics, select the orange button labled "New Source".

In the popup that appears, select the SFTP option and enter a name. Then press continue.

After that you will be presented the new source's configuration screen.

From here you will choose a connection, which will cause the directory in the config to become filled.

The directory shows all folders that you can pull reports from.

The dropdown below directory displays all of the available reports within the folder.

'Use Wild Cards' is a feature that allows you to use a general name for the file. Thus allowing you to load files that changes its name.

Encoding allows you to determine if you want Conversionomics to read the file as a String (utf-8) or file info (utf-8-sig).

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