Track Wizard

Track Wizard Concept

Tracks help to automatically run connected Sources, Queries, and Exports at a scheduled interval. A Track is a combination of data elements and a schedule that ensure that your project's dataflow is automated.

Explaining Dependencies

A Track collects nodes (a node is a Source, a Query, or an Export) by starting from root nodes, then it collects all connected dependent nodes from those root nodes at any level.

If Exports are chosen as the Root Nodes, then the Track will find all input Queries and Sources at any level. It also includes Inputs that are shared Sources and Queries from other projects. 

In the example below, the track has Export 1 as its root node. It will include Export 1, Query 1, Source 1 (Project B), and shared inputs Query 3 and Source 3 (Project A)

If Sources are used as Root Nodes, the Track will find all dependent Queries and Exports at any level that use the Sources as Inputs. It also includes all connected Queries and Exports from other projects with which the Sources are shared.

In the example below, a Track with Source 1 and Source 1.1 as root nodes will include Source 1, Source 1.1, Query 1, and Export 1 (from Project B); then shared Query 3, and Export 3 from Project A.

If Queries are chosen as Root Nodes, the Track will find all dependent Queries and Exports that use the Queries as inputs. It also includes all connected Queries and Exports from other projects with which the Queries are shared.

In the example below, a Track with Query 1 and Query 2 as root nodes will include Query 1, Query 2, Export 1, and Export 2 (from project B), and Query 3, Export 3 (from Project A)

During the dependency resolving process, if the node being checked is an excluded node, the Track will ignore that node and all its connected nodes.

In the example below, because Source1.1 and Query2 are excluded, the Track will not include Source1.1, Query2, and Source2 even if they are connected with Export1 (through other nodes)

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