Creating a Salesforce Source

On the home conversionomics page, you will see a screen with all of your projects; select the project you will be working on. If you need to create a new project, select the orange button that says "New Project" and follow the instructions 

Once you select the project you want to work on, you will see a similar screen as shown below. Select the orange button that says " + New Source"

After selecting the orange button that says " + New Source" you should see this screen 

in the "Source Name" input the name of your file and select "Salesforce" and hit "CONTINUE" once complete

In "Connection", select the connection you want to use

Next, select the report you'd like to pull. Conversionomics will give you a list of the reports available for the connection you selected above.

If you decide to autoload, select whether you want it to load 'Daily'. 'Weekly' or 'Monthly' and whether you want it to "Full Reload"

hit "SAVE" once complete

  • If you have pre-existing data in this Source and want to supplement those with the new data, please DO NOT select "Overwrite data". Not selecting the "Overwrite data", Conversionomics will APPEND- joining the datas 
  • If you are creating a new Source or want to overwrite the pre-existing ones, please SELECT "Overwrite data". By selecting the "Overwrite data" button, Conversionomics will replace the pre-existing datas with the new one you're about to input

In our situation, we are creating a new source with no prior datas; we are going to select "Overwrite data" and save it by selecting "LOAD"

A screen will popup asking you if you are sure you want to overwrite existing data, select "YES"

Congratulations! You have successfully created your Salesforce source.

Additional Information can be found within the official Salesforce Documentation

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