Hash a column using the Column Builder

When a user is within the Queries section of the Conversionomics platform they can now hash a column.  An example for this would be used to prepare email addresses for exporting to platforms like Facebook and Google Ads.  

The hash will be encrypted via 256-bit with an option to purge/deletion list of email addresses.

  1. Navigate to Queries within the Top Navigation and choose a query you would want to work within.  Once there a user would click the orange Add Column dropdown and choose the Builder option like below.
  2. Navigate to the Transform section within the Column Builder and choose Hash option on left.
  3. From there a user would enter a New column name, Column to hash, Hash config, and prefix.  The Hash config has two options.

    Hash and remove - This option will remove the original column from the query.
    Hash and preserve - This option will keep the original column and new hashed column.
  4. Click Save & Close

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