Creating a Google Analytics MCF Source

To create a Google Multi-Channel Funnel source, click the " + New Source" button.

Next, select the MCF (Multi-Channel Funnel) button. 

ow you're ready to configure this source. 

a) Select the connection you'd like to use. You can create a new connection by clicking the plus button. You'll be asked which Google account you'd like to use.

b) This is the MCF account you'd like to access.

c) Select which property you'd like to pull data from.

d) Select the profile that you'd like to pull data from.

Next, you'll select the dimensions and metrics that get pulled in.

a) Select the metrics that you'd like to include in your table. For additional information, see this:

b) Select the dimensions that you'd like to include in your table. For additional information, see this:

c) Select the sort and direction for the sort for your table.

d) Enter a filter here using Regex.

Lastly, you can adjust your auto load settings. You can change the frequency of the load to daily, weekly, or monthly. To do a "full reload" and overwrite existing data with the new data, select the "Full Reload" box.

Now you're ready to load some data. Choose the data ranges that you'd like to pull data from. You can also drop a CSV file to load that into your source. 

When you're loading data, you always have the choice to "overwrite data" by turning that option on. If this is turned off, your data will be appended to the prior existing data.

After you've loaded your data successfully, you'll see the home details tab. 

a) See the status of your sources, when it was last updated, the number of rows, size of the source, and if auto load is on or off.

b) Click the "Settings" button to change the configuration for this source

c) You can export the source data to a CSV file or create a BigQuery export.

d) To load data, click the "Add Data" button. You're able to select a date range for your load, and you're also given an option to add data from a CSV. If you want to overwrite the existing data with your new data, turn on the "Overwrite" feature. If this is turned off, your data will be appended to the prior existing data.

e) This "connection info" bar will tell you at-a-glance how your source is configured. To change the configuration, click the gear icon, or the "Settings" button at the top of the page.

f) Your most recent loads will show here, with some accompanying information about each one.

g) This is a preview of the data in the source. We show you the first 5 rows, and also show you the type of data for each column.

Additional Information can be found within the official Google Analytics MCF Documentation

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